Run an Event

You want to run an event at the Michigan GT?  That’s awesome!  We always look forward to having volunteers run outstanding events for our organization!  Before you commit however, there are some things that you need to be aware of:

  • You will be expected to attend organizer meetings.  These are not very often, however they are important for us to keep a finger on the pulse of how things are going with each organizer.  Your event is a reflection of our whole organization, and it is vital that your event meets our standards.  Sometimes these meetings will be nothing more than a post on our Facebook group for a status check.  Please be prudent by responding in a timely fashion.
  • Provide us with a realistic number of projected attendees – Don’t be surprised if you are a first year event organizer that we scrutinize your projection.  A lot of planning goes into allocating space and prize support.
  • Provide your own materials –  If you are running a miniature game, you will be expected to provide terrain, playing surfaces, and other materials.  If you require additional referees for your event, you will be responsible for providing competent and courteous personnel to assist you.  If you are creating your own terrain, we may ask that you provide a sample of the materials you will be using.  The purpose of our event is to give players an experience beyond what they would get from their FLGS.  We expect extra effort to be put into the experience that you are going to provide.
  • Marketing your event – we will be marketing the overall event, however it is your responsibility to promote your particular event.
  • Acquiring sponsorships/prize support – we have quite a few generous sponsors for our event, and will provide prize support in proportion to your share of the overall attendance.  You will be expected to also seek out prize support for your event.
  • Provide us with frequent updates via our Facebook group on how your event is shaping up or if you are having issues.  We are here to help, but be aware that we are also working on our events and can only provide limited support.
  • If you have updates and announcements relevant to your event, please do not post it on the Michigan GT public Facebook page.  Please post your announcement on the MIGT organizers page so that it may be looked at by our editors.  From there it will be put onto the website, which also cross-posts to our public Facebook page and our Twitter page.  You may then share this link with other groups of your choosing.  If you acquire sponsors, we also need to be made aware of it so that we may include them on our sponsor listings and give them proper recognition.

We understand that you may also have other commitments, and if this seems like too much, then you may want to reconsider running an event or you may want to seek the assistance of others to help.  Failure to comply with any of the above requirements may result in the dismissal of your event.

Still Interested? Send an e-mail to and an organizaer will get back to you ASAP