Code of Conduct
All attendees are expected to adhere to this Michigan GT Code of Conduct.
1) Respect each other, convention staff, and the facilities. We're all here to celebrate the hobby, reconnect with old friends or make new ones, and have a good time.
2) No outside food and beverages. This is a requirement of our facility, which will have food and drink available for purchase.
There will be no refunds issued after September 1st. Michigan GT cannor be responsible for event problems caused by an Act of God(s), including, but not limited to war, strike, act of terrorism, or natural disaster.
Before September 1st: full amount minus PayPal fees (if applicable)*
After September 1st: no refunds
*PayPal fees will only be refunded if the cancellation occurs within 60 days of the original purchase date.
Refunded Tickets: In the spirit of fairness, refunded tickets for sold out events will be returned to the Michigan GT and offered to those on the appropriate waitlist. Tickets MAY be transferred to another person if the deadline for refunds has passed.
Team Ticket Purchases: Tickets for team events are bound to the original purchaser. Tickets may be transferred to teammates at the sole discretion of the ticket holder.
Refund requests should be sent to registration@michigangt with a copy of your purchase receipt to expedite your refund.
Model Policy
This model policy will be in effect for all Michigan GT tournaments unless otherwise specified in the event rules.
- All must be painted to a 3-color minimum standard. An honest attempt to paint all models MUST be exhibited and 3 colors must not have not been simply applied to circumvent this policy. As a general rule, if someone feels the need to justify why a model is completed, it probably isn’t. If you cannot meet this requirement, please contact us. Models that are supplied prepainted (such as X-wing) are considered to meet this requirement.
- Units must always be represented by appropriate models. This is the single, most important rule. The 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) rule is in effect. All units MUST be easily identifiable and all weapons/options taken MUST be represented on the model(s) (excepting things such as psychic powers, etc). Models not appropriately represented may be removed from the game.
- Models historically supplied with smaller bases are still legal; although it is REQUIRED that you update them to the current base size. Models supplied with two different types of bases must be fielded on the current base type. NOTE: This basing policy DOES NOT apply to any base size adjustments made in this calendar year.
- Scratch built models and conversions can be used, but must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Models may NOT contain significant elements of pre-assembled and/or pre-painted models or toys.
- Models must, at minimum, be of a comparable size to the original model. Modeling for advantage, in the discretion of the tournament judges, is not permitted.
- Scratch built models should aesthetically evoke the production-quality models they are intended to represent. For clarity, printed paper models or models constructed from building blocks (Legos, etc.) DO NOT meet this requirement.
- Count-as armies are allowed if they follow all the above rules and restrictions. The onus is on the owning player to alleviate avenues of confusion that might result from using count-as models/armies. Count-as models MUST be WYSIWYG, appropriately equipped and sized accordingly to represent the model/unit in question. Count-as armies should demonstrate exceptional effort when it comes to conversions, simply using an existing army with a different codex (as a proxy) is NOT allowed.
- If you have any doubts to the appropriateness of a model or conversion, please use the following procedure to get approval from the tournament organizers in advance. All submissions for approval must be received a month prior to the event.
Email at, and we’ll get your submission to the appropriate tournament organizer. Include at least 3 quality digital photos of the completed model(s), with one picture including a standard infantry figure or infantry stand to show the scale of the scratch-built model or conversion.
Wait List
When an event is sold out a wait list be started for the event. To be added to the wait list fill out the form here. In the event that spots open up prior to the event, an invoice and notification will be sent to first person on the list. They will than have 48 hours to respond at which point the invitation will be passed to the next person on the list.
Health and Safety
The 2021 Michigan GT will adhere to any governmental restrictions regarding health and safety that may be in effect. Currently, there are no mandatory restrictions, and we are hopeful that this will remain the case. The CDC currently recommends that unvaccinated individual wear masks during indoor events such as the Michigan GT, and we encourage our attendees to follow those recommendations.