Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Tournament

It is once again time for the armies of Ea to fight for glory at the Michigan GT! This year is especially prestigious as this year our event counts a World Qualifier! So if you're following the Road to Chios, you certainly don't want to miss out!

This 2000pt tournament will be a two-day, five round event following standard Para-Bellum tournament rulings. That info can be found here:

Rounds will be two and half hours each, with a 1 hour lunch break after the first round on Saturday, and 15 minute breaks between rounds.

Scenarios played will be as follows:

1: Divide & Conquer

2: Maelstrom

3: Off-Balance

4: Forlorn Hope

5: Breakout

Armies must be painted to a three-color minimum and based. Non-compliance will result in disqualification!

Please remember to bring the following:

-Two printed copies of your army list

-Your army

-Dice, tokens, templates, and measuring devices

Event Information

Day 1 Event Start:
Day 2 Event Start:

Our Events