It is once again time for the armies of Ea to fight for glory at the Michigan GT! This year is especially prestigious as this year our event counts a World Qualifier! So if you're following the Road to Chios, you certainly don't want to miss out!
This 2000pt tournament will be a two-day, five round event following standard Para-Bellum tournament rulings. That info can be found here:
Rounds will be two and half hours each, with a 1 hour lunch break after the first round on Saturday, and 15 minute breaks between rounds.
Scenarios played will be as follows:
1: Divide & Conquer
2: Maelstrom
3: Off-Balance
4: Forlorn Hope
5: Breakout
Armies must be painted to a three-color minimum and based. Non-compliance will result in disqualification!
Please remember to bring the following:
-Two printed copies of your army list
-Your army
-Dice, tokens, templates, and measuring devices