Civil War, the Franklin/Nashville Campaign (Hounds of War)

Engage in the last great campaign of the western theater of the American Civil War as Confederate General Hood drives north into Tennessee in a desperate and bold attempt to move the war out of Georgia! Will you follow history and suffer the greatest defeat of the Army of Tennessee or route Generals Thomas and Schofield’s Army of the Cumberland and send them reeling back to Kentucky?

Day 1 Morning session. November 29, 1864

Battle of Spring Hill, TN

The Army of Tennessee has outsmarted and outflanked General Schofield who is held up in Columbia, TN. Hood can bag an entire Federal Division at Spring Hill, capture 800 wagons of supplies and cut Schofield off from Franklin, TN forcing Schofield to attack him on ground of Hood’s own choosing.

Day 1 Afternoon session

Battle of Franklin, TN

After the Battle of Spring Hill, what will happen? Did the Confederates succeed in capturing Spring Hill and force Schofield to attack him or did history repeat itself and fall short allowing Schofield to slip north to Franklin under cover of darkness and force Hood to attack him the next day!!

Day 2 All day session.

Battle of Nashville, TN

After the Battle of Franklin, what has happened? Did the Confederates soundly defeat and bag Schofield’s army allowing them to engage General Thomas independently, or did they get soundly beaten and follow Schofield blindly north into a trap set by General Thomas and Schofield’s separate forces merging upon their position? How will the campaign turn out? You decide! General to your best ability! Will you make the same mistakes of the past or create an alternate history??

All models and rules will be provided

Event Information

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Day 2 Event Start:

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